Jewellery Advice
6 Tips To Choose The Perfect Christmas Diamond Ring Gift For Your Girlfriend
Choose The Perfect Christmas Diamond Ring Gift For Somebody Special Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, and it's a great time to show your significant other how much you care. And what better way than with a Christmas diamond ring gift? But... more »
Buy Christmas Jewellery Gifts For Her
What Jewellery Will You Give To Someone For Christmas 2021? Christmas jewellery gifts are meant to be magical – which is why our talented designers and artisans have a few unique gift ideas for you to discover. Whether you're looking for a gift... more »
Jewellery Self Purchase – The New(ish) Trend That We Welcome!
How Women Can Get The Jewellery They Really Want Here’s something that most women never do: buy their own fine jewellery. Women have been buying costume jewellery forever, but the beautiful jewellery that lasts for years or even gets passed... more »
How To Wear A Diamond Necklace? - 10 Tips For Making It Work
If you want to rock a diamond necklace, you're going to need to master the art of wearing a diamond necklace. There are so many ways to wear a diamond necklace, you should never feel limited in your style choices. Whether you are going for a simple... more »
Simple Steps To Get The Best Jewellery Deals For Cyber Monday
All Diamond's Cyber Monday Jewellery Sales Event Cyber Monday is one of the most awaited days of the year when you can shop for amazing products at excellent prices. If you are planning to shop online, you need to be aware of the top five things that... more »
What If I Don’t Like The Christmas Jewellery Gift My Husband Bought Me?
The Unwanted Christmas Jewellery Gift Conundrum It is a cliché, the unwanted Christmas gift – the sweater or tie from granny or an auntie whose tastes are lodged solidly in the 1960s. We smile, say how lovely the thing is, wear it at the... more »
Do You Want To Invest In Diamond Jewellery?
Three Things You Must Know Before You Invest In Diamond Jewellery Before you pull the trigger, there are three things you need to know before you invest in diamond jewellery. If you don't get these things right before you even look at a jeweller's website... more »
How You Can Get The Best Black Friday Jewellery Deals!
Although Black Friday is relatively new in the UK, it has quickly become a popular event for retailers and consumers. For some retailers, Black Friday events are their busiest shopping days of the year! Consumers enjoy getting the best Black Friday jewellery... more »
How To Bag A Great Cyber Monday Jewellery Deal
All Diamond Cyber Monday Jewellery Deals Are Great! There are so many great jewellery deals out there these days and Cyber Monday jewellery deals are becoming quite a thing in the UK. Who could resist the opportunity to bag a great diamond jewellery... more »
Grab A Black Friday Jewellery Deal Today
What Is Our Black Friday Jewellery Event? If you don't know what Black Friday is, here's the lowdown. The Black Friday annual sale originated in America and made its way to Britain in 2010. It has grown in popularity ever since, with both high... more »
The 4Cs Of Diamond Quality Need A Fifth C – Confidence!
Confidence, the 5Th C Of Diamond Quality You need to have confidence that the purchase you are about to make is the right one for you, that the diamonds are genuine and are as described by the retailer. The first step to a successful diamond jewellery purchase... more »
Eight Ways To Clean Diamond Jewellery Without Using Harsh Chemicals
If you're looking for ways to clean diamond jewellery without using harsh chemicals, then you've come to the right place. Diamond jewellery can be pretty expensive, but it can be gorgeous as well. It is essential to care for your jewellery as the value... more »
Diamonds Or Coloured Precious Stones: What's Your Best Choice?
It's an easy choice for a lot of people: diamonds or coloured precious stones? They both come from deep within the Earth, and they are all gorgeous. But which one is right for you? There's a good reason that diamonds are the most valuable and desirable... more »
Twelve Tips For Buying Diamond Jewellery For The First Time
Diamond Jewellery Tips For First Time Buyers If you are a first-time jewellery buyer, then you may have little or no idea of the best way to go about buying diamond jewellery. With this in mind, we have put together some essential jewellery tips for... more »
All About Diamond Necklaces - What you need to know!
Discover The Beauty Of A Diamond Necklace A necklace is a beautiful piece of jewellery worn around the neck for decorative purposes. A diamond necklace gives an added beauty to any woman's neck. It makes her look more attractive, starting all the way... more »
Six Beautiful Eternity Rings As Extra Special Gifts
Put An Eternity Ring On her Finger! How To Choose The Right Style Of Ring Your relationship with your girlfriend will, after some time, reach a point where you want to give her a ring to demonstrate your love. One way that you can do that is to... more »
How To Look After Your Engagement Ring
Tips To Keep Your Diamond Engagement Ring Looking As Good As The Day You First Wore it Her engagement ring is one of the most valued of any woman's possessions. Not just for the monetary value, although that can be high enough, but mainly for the... more »
Black Friday Jewellery Sales - How To Find Great Deals
How To Find The Best Black Friday Jewellery Deals For You Black Friday is a shopping event that started in North America. Over there, the day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday, and you can benefit from massive savings on an array of products.... more »
The Push Present Guide: Ideas And Etiquette (2021)
What Is A Push Present? Until recently, I had no idea about push presents. If you'd asked me, what is a push present? I would have had no answer to give. When my wife was almost ready to give birth to our first child, a friend asked me if I would give my... more »
Fancy Coloured Diamond Investment Scams - How To Avoid Them?
Coloured Diamond Investment Scams This article came about because I saw a news article about a TV personality who had been arrested for being involved in a diamond selling scam. Had it not been for the celebrity involvement, I would likely have gone right... more »