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Alexandrite, The Multicolour Birthstone For June

Alexandrite, the birthstone for June is emerald by day, ruby by night. That is how this spellbindina crystal is referred to by its fans -and there are many.In addition to being a birthstone, it is also the anniversary stone commemorating 55 years of marriage.

Alexandrite is a gemstone, actually a crystal, that shows different hues depending upon the type and direction of the light falling upon it. The colour changes from a bluish green to green in normal daylight to more orange/purple and reddy hues in artificial light. The better the quality of the stone the more distinct is the colour change

The History Of Alexandrite

Alexandrite was first discovered in 1830 in Russia’s Ural Mountains in the Tokovanya depositswas found by a Finnish mineralogist named Nils GustafNordenskiöld. Initially,Nordenskiöld thought the sample he was shown was an emerald, only later did he realise that the stone was a previously unknown gemstone. Because the imperial colours of the time were red and green, it was decided to name the new gem in honour of the Russian Tsar of the day,Tsar Alexander the Second.

After the first discovery in Russia, deposits were found in Brazil, East Africa and Brazil. The stone is rare, and the finest quality examples can cost as much as diamonds. More usually, Alexandrite is valued similarly to fine rubies or emeralds.

Today, synthetic Alexandrite can be manufactured. Some forms of the man-made product are very hard to distinguish from the naturally occurring stone.

Meanings and Beliefs Associated With Alexandrite

Because of its relatively recent discovery,Alexandrite does not have the same ancient connotations as many other gems, but several beliefs have grown up around it.These days, Alexandrite is said to encourage romance. Many people say that the stone can remind us of our life and origins and that it can give renewed hope to those in despair, bringing them strength, telling them that there is light in our lives to come.

Alexandrite is understood to help with illnesses and is recommended as a stone to keep in close proximity when recovering from a prolonged illness or a surgical procedure.

Fans of the stone associate it with good luck and future wealth. It helps married couples cope with relationship difficulties, leading to stronger marital bonds so that the marriage will be long-lasting. This is why it is associated with the 55th marriage anniversary.

Many people swear by Alexandrite when they need a boost to their self-esteem and confidence, it leads to optimism about the future. You will experience true love and joy when you have jewellery of Alexandrite.

The Chemistry And Geology Of Alexandrite

Chemically, Alexandrite is from the chrysoberyl family of crystals and is a mixture of beryllium, aluminium and oxygen. What makes Alexandrite unique is the presence of iron, chromium and titanium, as significant impurities

Not as hard as diamond; with an 8.5 rating on the Mohs hardness scale it is the 3rd hardest of all the gems.

Alexandrite is formed from the cooling, in the presence of water, of liquid magma from the earth’s crust and is a crystal. Thus, the crystals are igneous in nature and often found close to other similar deposits such as quartz and feldspar.

The Use Of Alexandrite In Jewellery

Alexandrite is rated in the same way as many other gemstones with the same 4 Cs as used with diamonds: Colour, Clarity, Cut, and Carat weight. Similarly to other coloured gemstones, the colour of the stone is the critical factor in determining the value of a stone. Due to the colour change feature of Alexandrite evaluation of the gem is complex as any report must consider this attribute.

Non-gem quality stones can be purchased for just a few pounds per carat; however, the colours are nowhere as vibrant or changeable as fine stones. High-quality stones can be faceted to enhance their colours, but low-grade stones cannot be cut in this manner because they have too many imperfections, in jewellery parlance, they are not clean enough.

Because Alexandrite is rare, large stones are very costly. Stones large enough to be cut are extremely rare; examples of 1.5 carats are considered to be quite large while stones of five carats or more are hardly ever seen.Alexandrite contains few inclusions (foreign matter inside the crystal). Due to its hardness Alexandrite is suitable for everyday wear but wearers of Alexandrite jewellery should take care to protect it from extreme temperatures, harsh chemicals and from scratches. Cleaning can be carried out using washing up liquid in warm water and gently agitating with a soft toothbrush.

Lighter coloured stones give the greatest vibrancy. Darker stones can appear to be almost black while light stones have washed out colours.

Although Alexandrite does not have a long history like some gems such as diamonds, rubies or emeralds it has become a firm favourite among jewellery lovers and has picked up many positive connotations for good healthand fortune. If you are looking for the ideal birthday gift for a very special person born in June, then a piece of jewellery incorporating Alexandrite should be on your list of gift ideas!